Depending on the value of the tender, open opportunities will be advertised on Find a Tender (the Central Digital Platform).
At Coventry, Invitation to Tender (ITT) documents are typically broken down into two (2) different sections with associated appendices. These documents will give full details of the project requirements, terms and conditions and evaluation criteria.
An Invitation to Tender pack would usually consist of, but is not limited to:
- ITT part 1 - Information Pack - The information pack provides an overview of the procurement requirement, the tendering timetable and guidance and instructions on completing tender documents. Associated appendices will include, but are not limited to, the specification and terms and conditions.
- ITT part 2 - Tender Return Document - The Tender Return Document must be completed by the tenderer and requires background information from the tenderer and details of their price/quality bid.
More information on the tender process at Coventry City Council can be found in our guide to working with Coventry City Council.
Procurement services
Address: Coventry City CouncilPO Box 7097