We no longer own any council housing after the stock was transferred to Whitefriars Housing Group (now Citizen) in 2000.
We have responsibilities, which include: research and assessment of current and future housing need; planning and helping bring in new housing; making best use of existing housing; and providing housing support services. We also have a duty to carry out a periodic review of homelessness in the area and to publish a Homelessness Strategy and a Rough Sleeping Strategy.
Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy 2025 - 2029 [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/homelessness-1/homelessness-rough-sleeping-strategy-2025-2029]
- Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Delivery Plan – Coventry City Council [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/homelessness-1/homelessness-rough-sleeping-delivery-plan]
- Coventry Homelessness Review 2024 – Coventry City Council [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/homelessness-1/coventry-homelessness-review-2024]
Tenancy Strategy
A Coventry Tenancy Strategy [/downloads/file/9090/coventry_tenancy_strategy_2013-2018] has been produced, as required by the Localism Act 2011.