If you know someone is rough sleeping you can report their whereabouts [https://www.streetlink.org.uk/].
The Outreach teams are operating weekday mornings to respond to reports and engage with anyone found rough sleeping.
Severe Weather Emergency Protocol (SWEP)
Find out if SWEP is enacted [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/swep] and what facilities are available.
Accommodation and practical support
- Advice Services Coventry [http://www.adviceservicescoventry.org.uk/] lists the different agencies in the city who work together to offer free, independent advice and information.
- Coventry Cyrenians [https://coventrycyrenians.co.uk/get-help/] has a range of services to help single homeless people, including supported accommodation. Call 0800 0180579 or 024 7622 8099 for information about accommodation and other support.
- Emmaus Coventry & Warwickshire [https://www.emmaus.org.uk/coventry_warwickshire/join_our_community] provides accommodation and meaningful work. Their places are limited but you can contact 024 7665 1094 or 07934 297604 for more information.
- The Salvation Army [https://www.homeless.org.uk/homeless-england/service/salvation-army-harnall-lifehouse-day-centre] has a drop-in day centre providing clothing, advice, training and education. It is open all day for rough sleepers at Harnall Lifehouse.
Health advice
The Anchor Medical Centre [http://anchorcentre.nhs.uk/] provides services to homeless and vulnerably housed adults in Coventry.
For information and support for substance misuse, see Alcohol, drugs and substance abuse. [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/health-wellbeing/alcohol-drugs-substance-abuse]
Accessing homelessness advice
If you are at risk of becoming homeless [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/homelessnessadvice], you can tell us online by registering on our customer portal and completing a self referral form [http://live.housingjigsaw.co.uk/accounts/account/register]. Once you have complete your referral, we will contact you within 3 working days.
If you are homeless now, you can call us on 024 7683 4025.
Salvation Army
Address: Harnall LifehouseHarnall Lane West
Homelessness Advice Service
If you are homeless and have nowhere safe to stay tonight, please call 024 7683 4025. Our phone lines are open 9am â 3.30pm Monday to Friday. For out of hours emergencies please call 024 7683 2222. If you are worried you may be at risk of losing your home, you can access help by completing an online referral.
Young people experiencing homelessness
If you are aged 16-24, are a single or a couple, and do not have children, you can access the Housing & Homelessness service by contacting the Coventry Youth Hub.
Rough Sleeping Strategy
The Council has published a Rough Sleeping Strategy, setting out how we plan to provide specialist support and accommodation for current and future rough sleepers in Coventry. Read the strategy. [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/homelessness-advice/coventry-partnership-rough-sleeping-strategy-2019-2024]
Rough sleeping and complex needs services privacy notice
Coventry City Council complies with the Data Protection Act and the GDPR and is registered with the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) as a Data Controller.
This Privacy Notice explains how personal information is going to be used, what for, who it will be shared with and why.
Why we collect and use personal data about you
We use your personal information so that we can provide advice and guidance, assessments, services, support and safeguarding for you if you are rough sleeping and meet your needs if you are roofless or in unstable housing, it enables us to provide the help that you require as early as possible.
We collect personal information about you so that we can provide:
- Services to, and monitoring of, services to you if you are currently rough sleeping, at risk of rough sleeping or have previously experienced rough sleeping.
- Early intervention services to understand what support you need to identify the right service at the right time to support you and provide help.
- Specialist services for you if you are rough sleeping and may be vulnerable or have higher levels of need.
- Complete statistical returns to Government departments
We process personal data because it is necessary to comply with our legal obligations and perform our public duty.
What information do we collect about you?
- Name
- Contact details
- Date of birth
- Family details if relevant – for example marital status, siblings and/or children
- Details about your occupation
- Your lifestyle and social circumstance
- Case File Information
- Gender
- Ethnicity
- NHS number and other identifiers
- Health information including disability
- Criminal convictions
- Educational
- Employment history
- Family history and social relationships generally
- Dealings with the Coventry City Council
- Financial details if necessary
Who we share your personal data with
Dependent on what service we are providing to you we will share data with:
- Salvation Army
- Coventry Cyrenians
- Emmaus
- St Basils
- Coventry Domestic Violence and Abuse Support Services
- Coventry Haven
- Valley House
- Coventry Independent Advice Service
- The Job Shop
- Christians Against Poverty
- Coventry Law Centre
- Coventry Citizens Advice
- Coventry Refuge and Migrant Centre
- Carriers of Hope
- Coventry Peace House
- Change, Grow, Live
- Open Hands
- Coventry Food Bank
- Once we were soldiers
- Coventry MIND
- Coventry and Warwickshire Relate
- Age UK
- Coventry Irish Society
- Private sector landlords with whom we are discharging duty
As part of rough sleeping outreach service, we may refer you to the above organisations so that they can give you necessary support. We will not share your information with any of the above organisations without your consent.
There may be some circumstance in which we can share information without your specific consent, when it is reasonable and necessary to do so to fulfil our public tasks or it is otherwise in the substantial public interest to do so. We can share with:
- Adult services within Coventry City Council
- Other public bodies
- NHS and other health agencies
- District councils
- Voluntary and charitable agencies providing services
- Police
- Courts and other judicial agencies
- Probation
- Youth Offending Team
- Housing department and housing providers
- Other central government agencies including government bodies responsible for providing funding for eligible services e.g. the Troubled Families Programme (payment by results)
- Other public authorities
- Department for Work and Pensions (DWP)
We may also receive personal information about you from others:
Depending on the service we need to provide to you we may have information about you shared with us by:
- Health agencies/professionals
- Mental Health services
- Probation Service
- Police
- Other Local Authorities
- Family Members
- Friends
- Your employer
- Housing department and housing providers
How long will we keep your information?
We will only keep your information for as long as we need to, so we can give you the service you need, unless we must keep it for legal reasons. The time can be different depending on the service you have asked for/are provided with.
But your personal information could be held for 6 years plus the current year.
Where information has been passed to Central Government/ MHCLG, it is not possible to recall this information.
Your rights
You have the right to:
- Ask to see the personal information we hold about you
- Withdraw consent (see below) this only applies to the sharing of your personal information
- Ask us to change information we hold about you if it is wrong
Ask us to delete the information we hold about you
- Ask us to limit the way we use your personal Information
- Ask for human intervention regarding decisions made about you by a computer
- Data portability (have your data transferred to another Authority)
- Complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office
To exercise any of these rights please contact the Rough Sleeping Co-ordinator.
Withdrawal of consent to share your personal Information
Where personal data is processed on the basis of consent, you will have the right to withdraw that consent. However, Coventry City Council process personal data that it is necessary to do so in order to comply with our legal obligations and to enable us to perform tasks carried out in the public interest.
You have the right to submit a complaint if you are unhappy with the way your request is handled or disagree with a decision made by the council regarding your data. In these circumstances, you can contact the Data Protection Team (DPO) and request a review of the decision. dpoteam@coventry.gov.uk [mailto:dpoteam@coventry.gov.uk]
If you are not satisfied with any outcome from the DPO you may wish to apply to the Information Commissioner's Office at:
The Information Commissioner's Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
SK9 5AF.
Homelessness Advice Service
If you are homeless and have nowhere safe to stay tonight, please call 024 7683 4025. Our phone lines are open 9am â 3.30pm Monday to Friday. For out of hours emergencies please call 024 7683 2222. If you are worried you may be at risk of losing your home, you can access help by completing an online referral.