Taxi licensing - trade


Renewals and applications

Existing drivers, proprietors and operators can pick up application packs from the Taxi Licensing Office. The following information documents are downloadable, however the applicant is still required to complete an application form to submit with their application in person at the Taxi Licensing Office.

Your driver's application/renewal will be placed on the National Register of Taxi Licence Revocations, Refusals and Suspensions (NR3S). This register will be consulted in connection with your application/renewal. Your personal data will be placed on this register if at any time your licence is revoked or renewal refused.

For certain applications an online Disclosure and Barring Service [] (DBS) enhanced disclosure needs to be completed and submitted online before the driver's application is submitted in person with DBS supporting documents and payment at the Taxi Licensing Office. See the Driver Information Document for details concerning online DBS enhanced disclosures. Also a Driving and Vehicle Licensing Authority [] (DVLA) enquiry form 014 may need to be completed and returned in person to the Taxi Licensing Office. The Taxi Licensing Office does not accept applications for new or existing licences through the post.

Please note: children must not be brought into Whitley Depot even if they are left supervised in a vehicle.

Information documents

These documents are regularly updated therefore you should ensure that you are consulting the most recent when submitting an application.

Application forms

Handbooks and brochures

Hackney Carriage Vehicle Owner's handbooks and brochures are available below to download. The Owners' Handbooks in particular show how to correctly secure a wheelchair;

Loading of wheelchair into a hackney carriage vehicle (LTC TX2 or TX4)

The following video shows a manual wheelchair being correctly and safely loaded and secured in a hackney carriage vehicle.

Privacy Notice []

The following video shows an electric powered wheelchair being correctly and safely loaded and secured in a hackney carriage vehicle;

Loading of wheelchair into a hackney carriage vehicle (LEVC TX)

LEVC TX electric hybrid vehicle instructions [].

The following leaflet gives advice to hackney carriage drivers in taking passengers in electric or manual wheelchairs.

Download the loading of wheelchair information leaflet [].

Privacy Notice - how we use your data []

Taxi licensing office

Address: Coventry City Council
PO Box 7097

Telephone: 024 7683 2183 [tel:02476832183]

Advertising Livery on Hackney Carriages

The Taxi Licensing Office allows advertising livery on hackney carriages. Artwork in colour showing where the livery will be applied to the hackney carriage must be supplied together with a covering letter and must comply with the Advertising Guidelines [] for Hackney Carriage Vehicles.

Taxi licensing office

Address: Coventry City Council
PO Box 7097

Telephone: 024 7683 2183 [tel:02476832183]

Taxi Licensing legislation

There are two main Acts, which cover Hackney Carriage and Private Hire:

  • Town Police Clauses Act 1847
  • Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976

Both of these Acts are obtainable from Her Majesty's Stationery Office (HMSO) []. The main central library in Coventry also holds a copy of the Town Police Clauses Act 1847 together with Coventry City Council's by-laws, which gives additions to this Act.

Taxi licensing office

Address: Coventry City Council
PO Box 7097

Telephone: 024 7683 2183 [tel:02476832183]

Hackney Carriage fares

Hackney Carriage Fares are reviewed after consultation with the Coventry Taxi Association and any proposed changes have to be agreed by Coventry City Council. Any proposed changes are advertised in the local media and objections are then heard by the Council and a decision made.

Taxi licensing office

Address: Coventry City Council
PO Box 7097

Telephone: 024 7683 2183 [tel:02476832183]

Hackney Carriage Ranks and Feeder Lanes

Coventry City Council provides taxi ranks and taxi feeder lanes in Coventry. These can only be used by Coventry licensed Hackney Carriage Vehicles.

The Hackney Carriage Ranks are put and amended by Traffic Road Orders and not Taxi Legislation therefore any queries regarding Hackney Carriage Ranks should be addressed to Traffic Management on [] or telephone 024 7683 2062 or 024 7683 1221.

Taxi licensing office

Address: Coventry City Council
PO Box 7097

Telephone: 024 7683 2183 [tel:02476832183]

Is it an offence to smoke in licensed hackney carriage and private hire vehicles?

It is an offence for anybody to smoke in licensed hackney carriage and private hire vehicles.

A minimum of one no-smoking sign is required in private hire vehicles. A minimum of two no-smoking signs are required in hackney carriage vehicles (one in the driver's compartment and one in the passenger's seating area). Failure to display no-smoking signs is an offence. Failure to prevent people from smoking in a licensed hackney carriage or private hire vehicles is an offence.

Enforcement of these offences is carried out by Coventry City Council's Environmental Health Team.

Taxi licensing office

Address: Coventry City Council
PO Box 7097

Telephone: 024 7683 2183 [tel:02476832183]