There are approximately 2,500 food businesses in Coventry that require routine inspection.
We visit around 1,500 of these every year both during normal working hours and during evenings and weekends.
All visits are 'unannounced' to ensure we're seeing the businesses as they are operating on a "day to day" basis.
This food safety checklist [] covers the key things that will be checked during a food safety inspection. Your food hygiene rating [] will be based on what is seen on the day of inspection.
Inspection report
An inspection report is sent following the inspection, which gives the business feedback on things that need doing to improve food safety and hygiene standards. Some of these issues are legal requirements that require your attention, and others are recommendations for good practice. The report also tells businesses what they are doing well.
After every inspection, food businesses are given a food hygiene rating, which provides the public with information about food safety standards.
The team follow the Food Law Code of Practice and Practice Guidance issued by the Food Standards Agency [].
Food and Safety team
Open 9amâ5pm Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays)
Address: Coventry City CouncilPO Box 7097
Food Hygiene Rating Scheme
The national Food Hygiene Rating Scheme helps you choose where to eat out or shop for food by giving you information about the hygiene standards in restaurants, pubs, cafes, takeaways, hotels and other places you eat out. Supermarkets and other food shops are also included in the scheme. Food manufacturers and childminders are currently not included within the scheme and are therefore not given a rating.
About the rating
Each business is given a 'hygiene rating' when it is inspected by us. The hygiene rating shows how closely the business is meeting the requirements of food hygiene law.
Food hygiene rating scores at business premises
When you eat out or shop for food, you might see a sticker in the window or on the door showing you the hygiene rating for that business [].
Businesses are encouraged to display these stickers at their premises in a place where you can easily see them when you visit.
More information about the rating scheme for consumers [].
Risk ratings
We are responsible for calculating the risk rating of a business [], these ratings determine how often we visit the business.
National food hygiene rating scheme
Each business is rated following any inspection.
View current scores on the Food Standards Agency's Risk Ratings website [].
Food Standard Agency: Food Hygiene Rating Scheme [].
Requesting a re-score visit
Your score is based on the conditions found at the time of your inspection. The inspecting officer will provide you with a list of matters which require your attention following an inspection. Once you have completed these, you may wish to apply for a re-score visit. A re-score visit is unannounced and will look at all areas of the business, not just the matters in your inspection report. You score could go up, down or remain the same depending on the conditions found.
There is a charge of £269 for undertaking a requested revisit to re-score a business
- Request a revisit [/foodhygienerevisit] - an unannounced visit will be carried out within three months of receipt of the request and payment
Disagreeing with a food hygiene rating score
If you do not agree with the rating you have been awarded, there are some options available to you. Please complete the appropriate online form below. A copy of the completed form will also be sent to your email address.
- Appeal your score [/foodhygieneappeal] [you can also access a Microsoft Word appeal form []]
- Publish comments [/foodhygienereply] on the FHRS website explaining your score or improvements made since [you can also access a Microsoft Word publishing comments form []]
Food hygiene rating publication
Your rating will be published on the Food Standards Agency's Food hygiene ratings website [] after 30 days from the date of the inspection. However, if you have received a ‘5’ rating this will appear on the website after 10 days.
If you have received a score between ‘0’–4’ and would like your rating to be uploaded before the 30 days, the business owner or manager can request that a rating is published before the end of the 30 day period. Complete and return this consent for the early publication of rating form [].
We will review the request and will usually publish the rating early.
Food and Safety team
Open 9amâ5pm Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays)
Address: Coventry City CouncilPO Box 7097
Enforcement action and policy
Where possible, food safety issues raised by the Inspector are dealt with by writing to the food business operator and providing advice. However, where improvements are not made within a reasonable time, it may be necessary to serve a legal notice to make the business improve.
Where an Officer identifies a serious problem such as a pest infestation, it may be necessary to close the business until the risk to the public has been removed.
In serious cases it may be necessary to take formal enforcement action, including issuing a Simple Caution, or prosecution. This is always considered a last resort, and the Council’s Enforcement Policy [/pshepolicy] is followed during the decision-making process.
Food and Safety team
Open 9amâ5pm Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays)
Address: Coventry City CouncilPO Box 7097
Export health certificates
Food export health certificates are required by food manufacturers/exporters who wish to export food to:
- the EU
- non-EU countries
- Northern Ireland (NI)
Certificates for products not of animal origin are issued by us, the Local Authority. [#notanimal]
Certificates for products of animal origin are issued via the Animal and Plant Health Agency [#animal].
Products not of animal origin
If you are commercially exporting food from the UK it is your responsibility to ensure that you are aware of any restrictions and what export conditions apply. You need to do this before food can be exported. Contact the embassy or consulate of the country you wish to export to and they will supply the details and format required for the certificate. The Foreign and Commonwealth Office website [] allows you to search for an embassy.
Please note that we will not supply a certificate unless you have registered your food business with us [].
We shall always try and incorporate the wording indicated on your form but we obviously cannot include wording that implies that we vouch for the safety of the individual batch/consignment of food. Our wording normally reflects the fact that your foodstuffs are produced and/stored in premises subject to our jurisdiction as a food authority, and which have been subject to a satisfactory inspection programme.
We reserve the right to decline to issue a certificate if we are dissatisfied with hygiene standards and practices conducted on your premises.
We always try to process requests in a timely manner, however, please note that this is a non-statutory function and therefore requests will be dealt with within our standard 10 working day procedure.
Fees and charges
Certificate choices |
Cost |
Export Health Certificate - electronically signed |
£103 |
Export Health Certificate - hand signed and stamped |
£138 |
Export Health Certificate (including a site visit of 1 hour or part of hour) Additional hourly rate charged at £69 /hour |
£230 Hourly rate = £71 / hour |
Variation of Export Health Certificate |
£66 |
Extra copies of Export Health Certificate (price / certificate) |
£49 |
Apply online - for products not of animal origin
Application form for products not of animal origin [/applyexporthealthcertificate]
Payment is taken via debit card at the end of this process.
Certificate for products of animal origin
Products of Animal Origin requiring an export health certificate are usually issued by the Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA).
GOV.UK: How to get an export health certificate [].
Please note that a certificate can not be issued if you have not registered your food business with us [].
Other sources of information
There are a number of Government and industry organisations that can provide further assistance for businesses wishing to export, which include:
- Department for International Trade (DIT) has a remit to work with UK businesses to support them in maximising opportunities in international markets. They have staff based both regionally across the UK and in countries around the world. They are therefore uniquely placed to provide insight into opportunities and obstacles to export. Further information is available on the Department for Business & Trade [] website.
- The ‘Open to Export’ website is a useful additional initial point of reference when looking to export to new markets. You can post questions and find information at Open to Export [].
- The ‘Foreign and Commonwealth Office list of foreign embassies: Embassy list []
- UK Export Certification Partnership (UKECP): UKECP website []
- Food and Drink Exporters Association: UKFDEA Website []
- Food and Drink Federation: FDF Website []
- Northern Ireland Food and Drink Association: NIFDA Website []
Please contact the team if you have any further questions.
Food and Safety team
Open 9amâ5pm Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays)
Address: Coventry City CouncilPO Box 7097