Coroner's Inquests and Coroner's Court

Coroner's Inquests

A Coroner must hold an inquest to find out who, when, where and how the death occurred.

An Inquest is a legal requirement when the cause of death is still unknown, or if the person:

  • possibly died a violent or unnatural death
  • death occurred whist at work
  • died in prison, police custody or detained under the Mental Health Act

During the investigation process, the Coroner will provide the interested persons with an interim death certificate as proof of death. You can use this to let organisations know the person has died.

The death cannot be registered until after the Coronial investigations has been concluded. The Coroner is responsible for sending the relevant paperwork to the registrar where death will be formally registered.

If required, copies of the full death certificate will be available to purchase, via Coventry Register Office.

Download and print the upcoming hearing dates

Coroner's Court

Inquests are held in a publicly open court. Friends and family of the deceased are welcome to attend. If you would prefer not to attend in person because you may find the hearing too distressing, an alternative is to participate remotely via Teams. If attending in person, on your arrival you will be met by either the Court Officer or a member of the Coroner's Court Support Service (CCSS)

There is no dress code but we ask that people dress reasonably smartly being mindful of the formality of proceedings and in respect to the family. Children are not permitted in court.

The Coroner may also require witnesses to attend. This will be different for each case, but may include doctors, nurses, police officers, carers, eyewitnesses and any other relevant people.

Inquests are public hearings so the court cannot exclude the press but you do not have to interact with any media representatives, if you would prefer not to. We cannot prevent accounts of the Inquest being published or broadcast.

Following all the evidence heard, the Coroner will deliver a conclusion.

Alice Arnold SUite Alice Arnold Suite

How to find us

View the nearest car parks to the Council House

Coroner for Coventry

9am - 5pm Monday to Thursday, 9am - 4.30pm Friday

Telephone: 024 7697 5509