The Commercial Property Management team manages the Council's commercial property portfolio.
Our aim is to be the first choice when looking for commercial property in Coventry and we endeavour to be the landlord of choice for you.
We have an expert team with a wealth of experience and local knowledge of commercial property to help you find the right business premises for you.
All our vacant property holdings are managed by local agents and will be listed on search sites, such as Zoopla and RightMove.
Our business is your business
The Council is the largest landlord in the city and has premises available for one-man-bands to large corporate groups.
Across the city we have over 300 industrial units; 57 offices at sites including Westwood Business Park and in the city centre; as well as 300 shops throughout the suburbs and in the city centre.
Each property has a dedicated surveyor to look after issues regarding your lease and a member of the Council's CPM Support team to assist tenants with day to day queries regarding the premises.
Commercial Property Search support
If you require support for your commercial property search, Invest Coventry have a dedicated property search, with the most up-to-date listings of land, and a variety of properties. Sign up to receive updates on properties that meet your criteria and be supported further by our Invest Coventry team should you wish to be contacted.
Commercial Property Management
Address: Coventry City CouncilPO Box 7097