Sexual abuse

There are different types of adult abuse, some of which are also criminal offences. See below for more information about adult abuse, however please also note that evidence of one indicator should not be taken on its own as proof that abuse is happening. The list of indicators is not exhaustive, there are other indicators that do not appear here, and individuals may be subject to more than one type of abuse at the same time.
Types of sexual abuse
- Rape, attempted rape or sexual assault
- Inappropriate touch anywhere
- Non- consensual masturbation of either or both persons
- Non- consensual sexual penetration or attempted penetration of the vagina, anus or mouth
- Any sexual activity that the person lacks the capacity to consent to
- Inappropriate looking, sexual teasing or innuendo or sexual harassment
- Sexual photography or forced use of pornography or witnessing of sexual acts
- Indecent exposure
Possible indicators of sexual abuse
- Bruising, particularly to the thighs, buttocks and upper arms and marks on the neck
- Torn, stained or bloody underclothing
- Bleeding, pain or itching in the genital area
- Unusual difficulty in walking or sitting
- Foreign bodies in genital or rectal openings
- Infections, unexplained genital discharge, or sexually transmitted diseases
- Pregnancy in a woman who is unable to consent to sexual intercourse
- The uncharacteristic use of explicit sexual language or significant changes in sexual behaviour or attitude
- Incontinence not related to any medical diagnosis
- Self-harming
- Poor concentration, withdrawal, sleep disturbance
- Excessive fear/apprehension of, or withdrawal from, relationships
- Fear of receiving help with personal care
- Reluctance to be alone with a particular person
Real life example of sexual abuse
Last October, in Scotland a 51 year old man pretended to be a Good Samaritan to a woman with learning difficulties, helping her to decorate her flat. He later returned to her home and raped her. He is currently undergoing trial and the court heard the accused turned up at the victim’s flat and walked in when she answered the door. The woman, who was in pyjamas, walked to her bedroom and the accused followed her there. The prosecutor said the woman felt scared but did not say anything when he touched her inappropriately as she was too frightened. The accused then undressed himself and raped the terrified woman while she repeatedly told him to stop. After he left, the victim sent a text to her support worker which read: "I'm so frightened. Don't want to stay in this flat anymore." Police were called and the accused arrested.
In 2015 the BBC Victoria Derbyshire programme submitted Freedom of Information requests to 152 councils with adult social services responsibilities in England, asking how many reports of sexual abuse of disabled clients they had recorded over the financial years 2013-14 and 2014-15, up to 16 February 2015. Data received from 106 of the 152 councils showed that 63% of the 4,748 reported cases were against those with learning disabilities, and 37% against those with physical disabilities.
Adults with care and support needs are people aged over 18 who are in need of care and support, ie could or do receive a service from the local council to meet their support needs. Dependent on their type of need, this group of adults can be more likely to be victims of sexual abuse as they are less likely to tell anyone about the abuse or may not be able to, they may be physically unable to defend themselves, or may not understand that what is happening to them is abusive.
Further Support
Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC)
You can turn access Coventry's sexual assault referral centre for 24/7 medical, emotional or practical support.
Call 0800 970 0370 or visit the Blue Sky Website.