Coventry Landlord Accreditation Scheme

Our Landlord Accreditation Scheme (CLAS) is a free, voluntary scheme that private residential Landlords and Letting Agents are encouraged to join.
We would like to inform landlords of upcoming changes to the Coventry Landlords Accreditation Scheme, which will come into effect on 4 May 2025, when the new Additional Licensing Scheme is introduced.
The scheme applies to the private rented sector only and not to Local Authority owned or Housing Association properties where other Service Level Agreements apply.
The scheme comprises an element of self-regulation and accordingly relies on a degree of goodwill and trust on the parts of Landlords, Letting Agents, tenants and the Local Authority.
Aims of the scheme
The aims of the scheme are to improve the condition and management of the private rented sector in Coventry. We will encourage, acknowledge and actively promote good standards of privately rented accommodation with the aim of assisting Landlords, Letting Agents and tenants to undertake their respective responsibilities to each other.
Compliance with the scheme will ensure that:
- Landlords, Letting Agents, tenants and local residents enjoy the benefits of good property conditions, competent management standards and considerate neighbourly behaviour;
- Misunderstandings and disputes are reduced;
- Where problems do occur they are promptly resolved.
Benefits of joining
If you sign up to be accredited by CLAS:
- You will receive free training from us on a variety of areas of Housing law;
- You will be able to advertise yourself as being accredited by Coventry City Council;
- You may be eligible for a five year licence for your licensable properties;
- Your fees for property licences are likely to be cheaper.
ANUK/Unipol National Codes for student Accommodation
We accept members of ANUK/Unipol National Codes for student Accommodation in lieu of CLAS accreditation. If you are a member, please email your certificate to, together with your contact details, so we can record it.
Landlord Accreditation Scheme
Address: Coventry City CouncilPO Box 7097