Matt Heath - July winner

Matt started to attend the Grangers Club from the age of 14 with his grandma whilst she was a volunteer. The club organises activities for young people with learning disabilities. After a short time Matt started to take an active interest in the activities of the club and became heavily involved, offering his time as a volunteer. He is an advocate for young people and inspires and motivates the members of the club, giving them confidence and bringing out the best in them.
Like so many organisations, Grangers had difficulty in putting together a committee. At the age of 20 Matt volunteered to become chairman and almost singlehandedly organised a fundraising show to help the club survive. He persuaded local music artistes and entertainers to attend, publicised the show and hosted the evening.
For someone of such a young age to commit to caring for people who need extra support shows great determination and strength of character. Matt works tirelessly for the members of the Grangers club and is a very supportive and inspirational young man. He has gained the respect and support of other members of the committee and has been described as being 'full of youth and enthusiasm, inspirational and a breath of fresh air.'
Matt has proven that he is a caring, passionate and hardworking individual and having given his time to the community is truly deserving of the Good Citizen Award.