You can pay business rates by monthly instalments or quarterly, half-yearly or annually. The instalment arrangement is set out on your bill.

You can pay your business rates by:

Direct Debit

Sign up to pay by Direct Debit online

Direct Debit payments are taken on the 1st, 10th or 20th of the month.

Online with a debit or credit card

Pay online at our secure payment site [/onlinepayments]

Online banking/Standing Order

Make your payment to Coventry City Council quoting your business rates account reference number and these details:

Bank: NatWest
Sort code: 56-00-45
Account number: 38490927

If you are making a payment from an international/overseas bank account you may also need to quote the following information:

IBAN: GB84NWBK56004538490927 (for payments from overseas only)


Telephone with a debit or credit card

You can pay using our automated telephone service on 024 7678 7778. Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 

By post

Make postal orders and cheques payable to Coventry City Council quoting your business rates account reference and send to:

Business Rates
Coventry City Council
PO Box 7097
Coventry, CV6 6FL

Paying more than one business rates account

To make payments for more than one business rates account, send separate payments for each account.

Or, to pay with one payment, send a remittance advice slip with your payment telling us what the payment is for. Give each business rates account reference number and the amount you're paying into it. E-mail this to: [].

Business rates team

Telephone: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, 9am – 12noon, Tuesday 10am - 12noon

Address: Lythalls Lane Industrial Estate

Telephone: 024 7683 2525 [tel:02476832525]