Dogs and fireworks

Remember, Remember, our dogs this November!
Bonfire night can be a scary night for our pets, it’s important to make them feel safe and calm during the fireworks. With that in mind, our Dog Wardens have come up with some top tips to keep your dog calmer and happier this bonfire night.
Before the fireworks begin:
- Walk your dog before it gets dark to lessen the chance of your dog being outside when fireworks go off and possibly running away. This will also help them to settle.
- Keep your dog on a lead when out, even if your dog doesn’t usually react to fireworks.
- Feed your dog before the fireworks begin as they will not want to eat when they are scared.
- Make sure your house and garden are secure; a scared dog may panic and try to escape.
- Update your dog’s microchip details and keep their collar and ID tag on them, just in case!
- Never take your dog to a fireworks display! Even if it doesn’t bark or whimper at the noise, it doesn’t mean they are happy. Excessive panting/ yawning/ licking of lips are all signs of a stressed dog.
During the fireworks:
- Provide a safe hiding place in your home, some dogs like to retreat to a ‘den’ filled with blankets or inside a crate with a blanket over the top to make them feel safe.
- Close your windows, curtains/blinds and keep the TV/radio on to help drown out the loud noises.
- Let your dog pace around, whine and hide in a corner if they want to. Do not try to coax them out – it’s just trying to find safety, and should not be disturbed.
Don’t punish your dog for being scared, your dog doesn’t understand that the loud noises are not going to harm them and so bonfire night can be very stressful for them.
- Try not to reward your dog when it reacts to the noise, it’s best to act like there’s nothing to worry about.
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